
We had some help along the way - these guys deserve credit...

Logo Name Description Link(s) Licence
LightMedia Digital LightMedia Digital We built ClickClass. We are experienced in web design, development and digital services. Contact us if you need our services. LightMedia Website N/A
Gemicon Gemicon Icon Set by Turqois Gemicon is a set of modern icons crafted by Andy and Budi from Turqois. They released the icons as a free gift to the community, without even asking for credit, and they fit very nicely into the design of ClickClass™ so we are very grateful for their gift. The icons were originally black but we changed them to blue. Gemicon
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Note This Note This font Note This is a nice handwritten font we used for the styling of the notes on the course page. There is no explicit licence or author found for this font, but we list it anyway. Note This on FontSquirrel Missing Licence Explanation
Open Sans Open Sans font Open Sans is a font by Ascender Fonts, used throughout ClickClass™. Thank you to them for producing such a great, open font. Open Sans on FontSquirrel
Ascender Fonts
Apache Licence
Source Sans Pro Source Sans Pro font Source Sans Pro is an open font by Adobe, used throughout ClickClass™. Thank you to them for releasing this font with an open licence. Source Sans Pro on FontSquirrel
jQuery jQuery & plugins ClickClass™ uses jQuery, jQuery UI, jPicker and jQuery File Upload. Thank you to the jQuery community for producing such high quality plugins and frameworks with open licences. jQuery
jQuery UI
jQuery File Upload
MIT Licence
PowerPoint® PowerPoint is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
You ClickClass™ is a user based business, and we value your custom greatly. Thanks for trying ClickClass™ and passing the word on.